Review of Enjoy Life Foods – Snickerdoodle Cookies
In this, our second of five reviews for Enjoy Life Foods Cookies, we sampled the Snickerdoodle Cookies (affiliate link). When my son (6 yrs old) saw the box, he asked me what was that word. I told him it was Snickerdoodle. He asked, “What is a snickerdoodle?” I fumbled over a definition. A better definition comes from Wikipedia,
“A snickerdoodle is a type of sugar cookie made with cream of tartar and rolled in cinnamon sugar. It is characterized by a cracked surface and can be crisp or soft depending on preference”.
I knew about the cinnamon. I had no idea it was made with cream of tartar. A quick review of the ingredient list on Enjoy Life Foods website did not show any cream of tartar. I though the absence might be because it contains one of the common allergens that Enjoy Life Foods avoids. However, a little research indicated that Cream of Tartar is actually the common name for potassium hydrogen tartrate. It is obtained by half neutralizing tartaric acid with potassium hydroxide. Apparently, grapes are the main source of tartaric acid and is obtained from sediment in the wine making process. Chemistry is fun! Long story short, I’m not sure why it is not included in the Enjoy Life Foods Snickerdoodles.
My son took his first bite and exclaimed, “Mmmm, Cinnamonny!”. My daughter (9 yrs old) stated, “Yeah, it has Cinnamon. I like the Double Chocolate Brownies better.” My son agreed. Their statements were not meant as a dislike for the Snickerdoodles but simply a declaration of preference. I thought the cookies were excellent. They contain just the right amount of cinnamon and sugar and the texture is nice.
According to the Enjoy Life Foods website, Snickerdoodles are their most popular cookie flavor. One of our readers, Elizabeth from likes them as well. This is another Enjoy Life Foods Cookie to add our snack food/dessert/road trip food rotation. Which Enjoy Life Foods product is your favorite?
Quick disclaimer, Enjoy Life Foods did not provide me with any product or other compensation for these reviews. I purchased these items at our local Publix Grocery Store.
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