Duncan Hines and Food Allergies

In our Birthday Parties and Allergies posting, a reader left a comment stating that they make a quick cake using Duncan Hines, Coke and a microwave.  I thought it was a great alternative to a traditional cake.  Still want to try it though.  Nevertheless, I posted this on twitter and the feedback was quick and enlightening.

Several of our twitter followers stated that they do not consider Duncan Hines safe.  Calls from these followers to Duncan Hines regarding cross contamination were met with resistance and a general unhelpful attitude.  One even has a blog post about it.

I relayed this story to my wife and she said to me, “Why do you think we only buy Betty Crocker?”  Obviously, she has had the same experience.  That being said, I think the idea of cake mix (Betty Crocker please), coke and a microwave is worth a try.