Safe Food Lists

School is starting and with it becomes the daily ritual of school lunches and class parties.  Here are two lists that hopefully you will find helpful.  The first list contains snacks, cookies, crackers and chips that we consider safe for our child.  The second list contains some ideas for safe lunches, snacks and dessert items.  If you ever feel like you are in a school lunch rut, take a look at the list and get some new ideas.  Let us know if you have any other ideas!



  Safe Snack List (25.2 KiB, 14,713 hits)

Here are some things that we love to snack on that are both healthy and nut free!

Bare Organic Granny Smith Apple Chips

Bare Organic Fuji Apple Chips

Annie’s Homegrown Organic Cheddar Bunnies


Lunch, Snack and Dessert Ideas

  Safe Lunch Idea List (60.1 KiB, 10,404 hits)

Although we try to mix things up a bit for school lunches, the kids consistently ask for turkey roll ups plus with these items.

Annie’s Microwavable Mac and Cheese Cup

Chocolate Chunk Back To Nature Cookies


Ice Cream Novelties

Here is the list for Ice Cream Novelties that we consider safe for our child.  Please read every label every time you buy something and if your instincts tell you not to try something, please don’t buy it.

  Safe Ice Cream Novelties (22.8 KiB, 7,467 hits)



Candy!  Nothing beats seeing your allergic child’s face light up when they get to eat candy.  As always, you must read the label of everything you buy every time you buy it.

  Safe Candy List (29.1 KiB, 7,379 hits)

When we do have candy in the house, which is not very often, it is a pretty safe bet that it will be one of these:

Sour Patch Kids Soft & Chewy Candy

Blow Pops

Hershey’s Kisses – Milk Chocolate

Dove Milk Chocolate, Silky Smooth Promises



Here is the first version of the list – Cereals! Can you believe there are over 100 cereals safe for people with peanut/tree nut allergies. Please remember that ingredients and recipes change. Always read the label no matter how many times you have bought something.

  Safe Cereal List (75.0 KiB, 25,517 hits)

Here are some of our favorites!

Kashi GOLEAN Crisp! Cereal, Toasted Berry Crumble

Kashi Organic Promise Cereal, Cinnamon Harvest Whole Wheat Biscuits

Kashi Heart to Heart Clusters Cereal, Oat Flakes and Blueberry


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